
Bashbar e36
Bashbar e36

Zeemax, Rafale Esquiss, iDing Power) are essentially unobtainable but who am I to deny you a challenge? I know I’d love to read that post. You may have more success looking internationally through eBay and other forums as they do periodically appear however be prepared that condition does not always match the price.

bashbar e36

*Note: These vary in difficulty to find as well as in condition and price. You can also look at Schmiedmann as they have an extensive collection including: Rieger, Kerscher, SRS-Tec, Seidl Tuning, and others. Widebody - Rocket Bunny, Felony Form (over fenders), Hard Motorsport (over fenders and fender flares). In deze aflevering verbrand ik me poten aan gesmolten plastic.De voorste bashbar zit op de e36.Check onze Facebook. *AC Schnitzer, Hamann, Hartge, Racing Dynamics LTW (Front bumper velocity splitters, adjustable bumper splitter, rear wing) OE/M - M Technic (M bumper, Sport Mirrors, Sport Side skirts, M rear bumper). The photo of the white car is the WattWerks rally car. TIG welded everything and painted it blue. Thankfully testing hasn't happened and I haven't put my car into a wall, but it’s definitely rigid.

bashbar e36

Our products are made in the European Union. The plan from the beginning was to make a bash bar and sell them so this gave me the chance to weld one up, get the tubes bent and test it. The set is ready for assembly, powder painted in black gloss The bumper is mounted directly to the bash bar.


The product fits under both the m-pack and serial bumper. Moreover, many companies require you to check the shipment with the courier for damage or they won’t accept returns. BASH BAR fits under the BMW e36 BASH BAR LIGHT bumper. I believe I made a post on this previously however, whichever your preference, know that what you save on body parts may cost you more at a shop (or your time) trying to get it to align properly.ĪBS plastic has generally better fitment than fiberglass which can be wavy depending on who produced and how. What’s your goal? OEM plus? Widebody for show or track?

Bashbar e36